Always Include Device Art with Your Screenshots

This is going to be a short post, but it is an easy to miss no-brainer.  Always, always, always include device art with your screenshots before uploading them to your app store page.  If you don’t already know how to do this, you are probably asking yourself, “What the heck is device art?”  “Device Art” is simply a representation of a device, inside of which one can place a screenshot taken from an actual device.  This gives your screenshots the appearance of a high resolution photograph taken of an actual phone or tablet running your app, which would be very difficult to do well in reality.  This is easier to show with images than it is to explain with words, so here you go.  This is a screenshot without device art:


And this is one with Device Art, in this case Nexus 5:


This makes your screenshots look 1000% more professional, which I have to imagine could not possibly hurt your conversion rate on the Play Store.  These can easily be created using the device art generator in the Google Developer Console.

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